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More About Child in the Wild
Forest School


My name is Hayley, and I’m a mum to a spirited 5 year old (Albert), and a wildchild of a 4 year old (Willow)! I've been with my husband, Andy, for 13 years. Andy is a qualified tree surgeon, and all-round outdoor enthusiast (so he's pretty handy to have around haha!).


I have worked hard to combine my passion and knowledge of our natural world with my enthusiasm for early years and child development, to create a Forest School that helps children (and adults!) to flourish and thrive, and to reconnect with nature. In this increasingly digital age, I believe it is more important than ever to get outdoors, to nurture our minds, to take care of our mental health and to look after our wild world for generations to come. Connecting people to nature is the simplest, and most important aim of Child in the Wild Forest School.


Inclusivity is very important to me and my team, and we welcome ALL children to the woods. If there is anything we can do to help your child settle well into Child in the Wild, please do shout! Some children with SEND, for example, prefer to arrive slightly earlier for their sessions, so that they can settle before everyone else arrives. I have learnt basic British Sign Language (and continue to learn!), to aid communication with all children (and kids seem to love to learn sign language!), and of course to be able to interact on a basic level with BSL users that visit us. I use visual signs to help explain our (very few!) rules too. 


Simply, Child in the Wild Forest School is about the C.H.I.L.D:

C - Child-led. Each session will have a loose agenda, but ultimately the children’s interests guide the focus of each group. When children choose and guide their own learning, they flourish!

H - Holistic. In forest school, the WHOLE child can develop. The child’s physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development are all nurtured.

I - Inclusive. Forest school is for everyone.

L - Learn. Children can learn a wide variety of skills and knowledge, but most importantly, they will learn about themselves.

D - Discover. Children discover the wonder of our natural world, and their own full potential.



Child in the Wild Forest School has a simple mission; to connect people to nature. I offer child centred, regular sessions that are designed to nurture the holistic growth of each child. The all-weather, outdoor sessions aim to help develop a child’s physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development through outdoor play and learning.


What is Forest School?

The Forest School Association outlines six principles of what Forest School should be;

  • ‘Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations, and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.

  • Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.

  • Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent, and creative learners.

  • Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

  • Principle 5. Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice.

  • Principle 6. Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for development and learning.’ (Forest School Association, 2022).


Sessions are predominantly child-led, are held outside, and may involve (but will not be restricted to) a combination of the following activities;

  • Free play/woodland exploration

  • Messy (mud/water!)/sensory play

  • Fire lighting skills

  • Den building (tarp and ropes, and natural dens)

  • Team building

  • Story time and discussions/chats around the campfire

  • Playing games

  • Making nature crafts

  • Sensory trails and scavenger hunts

  • Seasonal activities

  • Making music in nature

  • Learning about nature and conservation, including practical conservation

  • Forest bathing/mindfulness

  • Hammock swinging and slackline skills

  • Tool use e.g., introduction to knife use, whittling, using a hatchet to split wood, using bow saws, use of palm drills etc.

All activities help develop a child’s physical, intellectual, social, emotional, or spiritual development in some way, and all activities are designed to be fun and engaging. Forest School is a relaxed environment and all activities are optional, with free-play being (almost) always an alternative option. There are countless studies where researchers have found many incredible benefits of outdoor play and learning, and you only have to step into nature, close your eyes, and listen for a few minutes, to feel the evolutionary, calming feeling of connection to our wonderful wild world. 


10 Benefits of Forest School.

  • Increase confidence and self-esteem.

  • Increase social skills.

  • Encourage emotional wellbeing.

  • Learn technical skills, such as fire-lighting and whittling.

  • Improve fine and gross motor skills in a natural environment.

  • Learn to assess and take appropriate risks.

  • Learn problem-solving skills.

  • Experience a sense of belonging by attending regular sessions.

  • Learn about the natural world.

  • Develop a deep and meaningful connection to the world that is carried into adulthood.


If Forest School sounds like something you, or someone you know would enjoy and benefit from, please come and join us in the woods where you will be warmly welcomed by smiling faces, a warm drink, and a roaring fire. Just click on the 'Book online' tab at the top of the page, or please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We can't wait to meet you! 

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